Maryland Self Storage Act Amended

Governor Moore recently signed a bill that makes a change to the Maryland lien law, which goes into effect on June 1, 2024

The substance of the change is to remove the initial requirement when  notifying the occupant tin the Rental Agreement that you may advertise in a  method other than a newspaper. 

Please check with your local counsel to further understand this change and  to understand the changes that may need to be made to your Rental  Agreement, as well as any notice you may want to send to your existing  occupants. 

We congratulate the Maryland Self Storage Association and the National  SSA for this important change and clarification. 

Written By

Jeffrey J. Greenberger is a Partner with the law firm of Greenberger & Brewer, LLP, in Cincinnati, Ohio and is licensed to practice in the states of Ohio and Kentucky. Mr. Greenberger’s practice focuses primarily on representing the owners and operators of commercial real estate, including self-storage owners and operators.

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