Self-Storage Association 2015 Fall Conference & Trade Show
September 8-September 10, 2015
Caesar’s Palace Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas (map)
“What’s in a Word?”
Join Jeff Greenberger as he speaks on a the topic of what terms to avoid in your Self Storage vocabulary. Many terms we take for granted in our Self Storage operations have unintended meanings that we only find out about once a lawsuit is filed. This session looks at 15 terms that can get you in trouble and tell you how to avoid them. If you have never heard Jeff present before, you will enjoy his way of simplifying legal concepts into English you can understand, while keeping the topics moving, Jeff is also known to be rather funny, which makes the learning even easier.
The session if part of the Concurrent Education – Managers Track, September 9 from 4:45p – 6:00p
I have been in this business for a while and I am still always learning and doing a better job thanks to Jeff’s wisdom. Thanks Jeff for the great job our lease review and updates!