Reminder – Jeff to speak for CASSA Aug 7
Reminder to join Jeff in Santa Clarita, CA for great self-storage legal discussion.
Reminder to join Jeff in Santa Clarita, CA for great self-storage legal discussion.
Georgia Self-Storage Act amended, effective July 1, 2019.
Join Jeff in San Diego, CA for great self-storage legal discussion. Learn more!
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Final preparations for moving to new hosting
Click here to learn more about our hosting move
Welcome to our ‘under construction’ blog. If you are reading this, the site is still being built from the ground up, so pardon the dust while we work on getting things in order for 2012. Until then, be sure to review the current details on
There are many important provisions in a Self-Storage lease between the operator and a tenant. As a matter of fact, I often argue that if you bother to put a provision in your Lease Agreement with a tenant, it must be very important to you and relevant to…
I have a new word to add to my list, that many of you have heard, of words to abolish from your self-storage vocabulary (see ISS 1/2/2007). That word is “free”. I see the word free all of the time in relation to self-storage. You may have read…
This one has been bothering me ever since the Question and Answer Session at the ISS Expo at the Venetian in Las Vegas in February of this year. I just had to write about it this month. A question was asked at the Session about using the facility…
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